Hailing originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin John finds himself residing on the south shores of Lake Erie now. Hunting everyday he can and training and running retriever’s year around. John’s guided waterfowl hunts from Canada to Mississippi and been with FMI since 2000 and look forward to many more years of fun and friendship with the entire Foiles family!
- Gray and Black Mesh Back Goose Logo Hat $20.00
- Foiles Strait Pipe Goose Call with Instructional DVD $39.99
- Guts for MeatCutter Flute $15.00
- Foiles Drake Brake Duck Call $130.00
- Foiles Strait Meat Golf Club Handle Snow Goose Flag $60.00
- "Strait Meat" Cackler Goose Call $140.00
- Death Whistle Duck Call $60.00
- Foiles Strait Meat Retractable Handle Flag $70.00
- Strait Timber Duck Call $129.00
- Strait Heat Choke Tube $25.00 – $65.00